Jocelyn Eikenburg of Speaking of China

This week’s author interview is with Jocelyn Eikenburg, of fame, her successful blog focusing on relationship dynamics across the world. As an American woman married to a Chinese man and living in Hangzhou, she has experienced a lot and writes well about the expat perspectives.

She also submitted to the anthology book How Does One Dress to Buy Dragonfruit? which I happened to review. Do give it a read.

Without further ado…





First question, of course: What brought you to China?

I was about to graduate from Marshall University and, like a lot of young people, had no clue about what I wanted to do with my future apart from one thing – travel. I couldn’t get enough of international travel after a semester studying abroad in Spain. I figured I would snag a job in a Spanish-speaking country somewhere in the world, and continue my international adventures like that.

Except, I couldn’t find a job that really appealed to me.

So one day I walked into the International Affairs office at my university for guidance. That’s when the director asked me, “How about teaching in China?” As it turned out, Marshall University had run a successful teach in China program for years (Appalachians Abroad).

I remember thinking at the time, China? He’s got to be kidding. Nothing about my life suggested all roads lead to China.

But later on, as I pondered his suggestion, I realized that, deep down, I was quietly fascinated by a number of things connected to China – from Taoism and green tea to tofu and traditional Chinese medicine.

Of course, spending an entire year in a country where you can’t speak the language and know little about the culture is a scary proposition. But I was even more frightened of having nothing to do after graduation and the opportunity to travel ultimately won out over all my fears. So I signed on to teach English in Zhengzhou, China.

Who’d have thought that one chance decision would end up setting the course for my future?


What was your biggest challenge?

Initially, not knowing Chinese at all created some stressful and even embarrassing situations for me when I first arrived in China. I hated going out to run even the simplest errands, like mailing a letter, because I’d have to spend an hour trying to memorize a few phrases and then still end up understanding almost nothing they would say to me. Or I’d have these moments in small stores where I would turn as red as the little Chinese dictionary in my hands, paging through it in an often futile effort to express myself. I’m confident I entertained quite a few shopkeepers during my first few months in China.


How did you get involved in the anthology How Does One Dress to Buy Dragonfruit?

Through Susan Blumberg-Kason, I learned of Shannon Young’s call for submissions for a new expat women’s anthology focused on Asia. I thought it might be fun to write about the time my husband and I used our honeymoon vacation in China to take his dad to visit Huangshan, so I sent Shannon an essay about that. Then, of course, I crossed my fingers and hoped I might actually make the cut!

I feel really fortunate to have been chosen for the anthology, as I share the pages with some incredibly talented writers.


Any China-centric authors you enjoy?

Pearl Buck definitely stands out as one of my favorites. I read The House of Earth (The Good Earth, Sons, A House Divided) many years ago when I was in Shanghai, and just fell completely in love with her style, not to mention how she wrote so compassionately about the Chinese and their culture. Not surprisingly, I ended up checking out every single Pearl Buck book in the local library after my husband and I moved back to the US for some time.

There’s this one quote from her book Kinfolk that has stayed with me over the years:

“It takes a certain kind of person to live in China now….Someone who can see true meanings, someone who does not only want the world better but believes it can be made better, and gets angry because it is not done, someone who is not willing to hide himself in one of the few good places left in the world–someone who is tough!”

China has changed much since the 1930s and 1940s, when Buck was writing most of her books, and yet there’s truth in this quote even today.


Is it difficult to find new subject matter for Speaking of China?

Ha, it’s funny you ask this question because it’s something I thought about back in 2010 when I chose to focus my blog on love, family and relationships in China. I remember having a conversation with a friend, asking her, “What am I going to do when I run out of topics to write about?”

The truth is, it can be difficult, especially when you’ve been blogging for as long as I have. Sometimes you think, Okay, I’ve blogged about everything under this topic. What else could I possibly say? I’ve learned over time that it’s OK to revisit topics I’ve blogged about before as long as I provide a fresh take on them. And then just when I think I couldn’t possibly find any new topics, somehow I do. (For now, at least!) It helps to keep a running list of potential topics. I have this Word document where I log ideas and I turn to it when I’m not sure what to write about.

But who knows? Maybe sometime in the future I’ll just have to expand the scope of my blog. 😉


Besides the blog, what writing projects are you currently working on?

Since 2010, I’ve been working on the manuscript for a memoir that I’ve titled “Red All Over” (for now). It’s the story of how coming to China helped me overcome the self-esteem issues that had held me back as a child and adolescent, opening me up to true love, a career in writing, and the unexpected joys of calling a foreign country home.

I had submitted it last year to an agent, who provided me with some wonderful feedback on it and suggested I edit the manuscript. It’s always hard to hear your manuscript still needs work, yet on consideration I realized she spoke the truth – there was something missing from the manuscript. It needed more heart and soul, so to speak. So that’s what I’ve been working on this year, opening myself up to readers through my own personal struggles in the story. I’m hoping to resubmit it to an agent either this year or next. So stay tuned!

11 thoughts on “Jocelyn Eikenburg of Speaking of China

  1. Wow, this was a fun surprise! I’ve been following Jocelyn’s blog for a few years and also had the chance to meet her in person, actually at a reading she did at Beijing Bookworm for this very anthology. It was a really cool talk!

    I learned some new things from this interview–like about her memoir. I was wondering if it was something she was still working on. I can relate a lot to some of this, too. I also ended up in China because I wanted to travel and information about teaching here just kind of fell into my lap at my college’s study abroad office. China helped me overcome some issues I suffered from when I was in university (social anxiety).

    Great interview Ray! Thanks for sharing Jocelyn. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the lovely comment Rosie! I’m touched. 🙂

      That’s cool you had a similar pathway to China as I did. Kind of funny how we end up in this country, huh? If I remember from Ray’s memoir, he also ended up in China in a roundabout way.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Was it inspired by Burning Man?

        I think a lot of us have ended up here due to random suggestions or inspiration. Many people I knew were shocked I was going to live in China and assumed that I must have studied Chinese in college. Nope. . .

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Ray Hecht Interviews Me About How I Came to China, My Memoir in Progress & More | Speaking of China

    • Thanks! Yeah, China was definitely not part of a bigger plan for me. It completely took me by surprise — but in the best possible way, as it turns out. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m looking forward to reading your memoir when it comes out, Jocelyn. And yes, despite the initial pain when an agent says your manuscript needs more work, in the end we’re glad we were forced to dig deeper. Best wishes on the hard work of revision and digging deeper.


    • Thanks Nicki! Yes, it has been a valuable process, going back through my manuscript and digging deeper. I’m glad I’m doing it.


  4. Thanks for the interview, Ray. And such insightful responses from you, Jocelyn. I’ve been reading your blog for a while and am a fan of your writing. China seems like a pleasant surprise for you, and I’m sure it still is today on some levels. Good luck with writing the memoir…getting personal is always tough. It hurts to share some stories and it can be confronting but in the end, I think as writers we feel a sense of liberation after all the effort we put in 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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